Desi Grub Himalayan Black Gold Shilajit 30 Gms | Endurance, Stamina, Immunity Vitality Booster


  • May prevent or slow Alzheimer’s diseases.
  • Help combats Iron deficiency and Anaemia
  • Improves Immunity
  • Supports Bone Health
  • Help Increase testosterone level.
  • Aids in infertility Male & Female
  • Reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • May contribute to longevity and slower ageing process.
  • Panacea for high-altitude problems
  • May promote heart health.
  • Help reduces stress level.
  • Help fight arthritis.
  • Support period wellness
  • Help improves Skin & Hair Health
  • Help Improve Blood Oxygen Level
  • Strengthen Bones
  • Aids in weight loss

Availability: 47 in stock

Shilajit is a unique, blackish-brownish resin found in the Himalayan Mountain range. It is formed slowly over centuries from the intense pressure of the mountain rocks acting on decomposed plant material. Shilajit contains Fulvic acid, Humins, and Humic Acids, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties. The ultimate culmination is a perfect blend of essential minerals and nutrients to restore your balance.

Original Shilajit in Nepal is one of the more unique remedies utilized in traditional medicine, and for practitioners of the ancient system of medicine called Ayurveda, among the most valuable as well. It is a relatively rare substance, found only when the hot summer sun beats down upon the mountains, causing the resin to liquefy and exude from cracks in the rocks.

In Ayurveda, Pure Shilajit in Nepal is described as tridoshaghna, meaning that it reduces and balances all three doshas. Its name literally means to ‘become like stone’, and it is believed that this same property of density, inertia, and hardness is manifested in the body when taken regularly. Shilajitis considered to be an important rasayana, or rejuvenative, used in the treatment of a wide number of health conditions, to prevent illness, and to ward off the effects of old age. According to an ancient physician of Ayurveda named Charaka, “there is no disease in the world that cannot be cured by Shilajit.” Herbal Products in Nepal | Nature Paradise Organic

Best Benefits of Shilajit in Nepal

  • May prevent or slow Alzheimer’s diseases.
  • Help combats Iron deficiency and Anaemia
  • Improves Immunity
  • Supports Bone Health
  • Help Increase testosterone level.
  • Aids in infertility Male & Female
  • Reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • May contribute to longevity and slower ageing process.
  • Panacea for high-altitude problems
  • May promote heart health.
  • Help reduces stress level.
  • Help fight arthritis.
  • Support period wellness
  • Help improves Skin & Hair Health
  • Help Improve Blood Oxygen Level
  • Strengthen Bones
  • Aids in weight loss


Don’t take shilajit if you have sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis (too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia. It’s possible to be allergic to this supplement. Stop taking shilajit if you develop rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness.

 How to Use?

Dissolve a portion the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid and drink one to three times a day (depending on instructions). Or you can take shilajit resin twice a day with milk.

Elements contain in Shilajit

Amino Acids / Albumen / Alumina / Barium / Benzoic and Fatty Acids / Beryllium / Bismuth / Calcium / Carbon-60 /Chomium / Cobalt / Copper / Dibenzo-Alpha-Pyrones / Gallium / Gold / Hippuric Acid / Humic and Fulvic Acids / Hydro-oxidized Primary and Secondary Amide Peptide Bonds / Iron / Lead * / Magnesium / Manganese / Molybdenum /Nickel / Phospholipids / Phenolic Steroids and Pregnane Steroids / Phosphoric Anhydride / Potassium / Resins and Plant Remains / Silicate Groups of Silicon Dioxide Silver / Strontium Oxide / Sodium / Sulfur/ Tin /Titanium / Vanadium / Wax / Zinc


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